Cycling in time of Pandemic
October 24, 2020
Cycling emerge as one of the best alternative to move around during this time of pandemic. Along with the campaign to stay safe at home and avoid going out as much as possible, it's inevitable totally not to go out to do essential chores and for many to work. After the community quarantine has been lifted in many of the towns and provinces, many of our family members are obliged to go out facing the risks of the virus. Risk is more high in urban and metro area especially for our commuting pals and family member where mass transportation is very limited and dense. Cycling gives the option to commute with sure social distancing while on the move.

(photo CTTO)
Even more so, to all our kapadyak let's prioritize safety at all times.
1. Traffic rules must strictly be observed always. One cannot follow if you are not aware what NOT to do.
Remember, rules are written with the main objective of to ensure safety in the road. Motorist and cyclist should respect the rules of the road and each other, it should work both ways. Follow the traffic lights. Attach safety lights especially when your in the road at night. Follow street signs.
Recent law written is House Bill 8911, otherwise known as the Minimum Overtaking of Cyclists Distance Act, it makes overtaking bicycles in a dangerous manner illegal, punishable by fines and the revocation of the perpetrator’s driver’s license. It mandates a minimum overtaking distance of 1.5 meters between a motor vehicle and a bicycle. Motorists will need to maintain a minimum passing distance of 1.5 meters when overtaking cyclists on the road.
The proposed law also prescribes hefty fines for violators, starting at P5,000 for the first offense; P10,000 for the second offense; P15,000 and suspension of driver’s license for the third offense; and P20,000 and revocation of driver’s license for the fourth offense.
2. Wear safety helmet and gears at all times. Whether your biking inside your village or heading to near store, cycling in the bike park or pedaling to work, there is no single moment you must skip to wear for your own safety. After all accidents happens in the least expected time and place.
Do you know that approximately 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes globally. More than half of all road traffic deaths are among vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Correct helmet use can lead to a 42% reduction in the risk of fatal injuries and a 69% reduction in the risk of head injuries (data from WHO
3. Nowadays, it's not only the cycling gears that we need to bring, more so, our protections for the Covid is a must. Face mask , shield, alcohol and sanitizer have become part of the new normal. More importantly, best shield is a healthy body and immune system. What better way to achieve this is nutritious food intake, lots of fluids & exercise in comfort of your home. Not only body, but we must all be healthy mentally and emotionally, this will equipped us in the battle not with the virus but battle within ourselves during this difficult time. Most of all, healthy spiritually, this is the moment that we must all connect with our Almighty as HE, Him alone can eradicate the global sufferings we are all into.
Remember, each cyclist deserves to reach their destination safely and comfortably. Let's all be responsible biker. Share the road. Keep safe.
Mammoth Empire Ph hopes that in no time, cycling experience will be more convenient and safe for everyone. For your cycling storage needs, check our site catalog, products built with the aim to help biker bring daily essentials comfortably and secured.